sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2012
Novos detalhes referentes a participação do Hulk em "Os Vingadores" são revelados.
Then they started showing some more scenes/clips and the one that stood out the most is CAP pointing and then yelling to the Hulk "Hulk Smash!" Hulk proceeds to start rampaging forward and runs straight into a building. Right through the outside wall!! Then it shows him running past some office people that were freaking out as Hulk runs by them like a bull in a China shop. He said it was intense and funny at the same time. Can you believe it? CAP giving Hulk orders to SMASH! LOVE IT! Oh, and the Marvel rep told them that Hulk is smart or conscious of what he is doing more so that the other movies. (There you have it! a more heroic Hulk)
"Hulk esmaga!" procedendo com o verdão causando destruição e correndo diretamente em frente a uma construção. Correndo através do exterior de uma parede!! Mostra o Hulk correndo em frente a alguns oficiais de polícia com os civis apavorados enquanto o Hulk continua correndo como se fosse um touro numa loja de porcelana. O expectador diz que a cena é intensa e ao mesmo tempo engraçada. Você acredita nisso? O Capitão América dá ordens para o Hulk ESMAGAR! SENSACIONAL! Oh, e a Marvel disse que esse Hulk é mais esperto e mais consciênte e que ele fará muito mais do que foi mostrado nos outros filmes. (Lá você terá isso! um Hulk mais heróico)
I asked how the Hulk looked and he said he looked awesome. We both work in the visual field and I am an artist so I trust his opinion. I think that's all, as we talked about other stuff he was presented(Amazing Spider-Man, etc.) He did get a sense from all he was shown that The Avengers is going to "own" and be a great start to the summer. I know it's not the trailer guys, and I am waiting for it too, but I thought I would share this as it was too juicy to keep.
O usuário do site Comic Book Movies perguntou para o expectador que conferiu as cenas do Hulk como o Golias Esmeralda ficou, e o expectador disse que o Hulk ficou simplesmente demais.