quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011

Mark Ruffalo dá detalhes do Hulk em Os Vingadores.

here's been an onslaught of The Avengers news today with the EW cover, photos, more photos and character headshots. Now EW offers a look inside the magazine with character profiles on each member of the team, some of which tease important plot details.

“He’s the most – guy, but a total loose cannon," says Mark Ruffalo of playing Dr. Bruce Banner/The Hulk, "No one wants to set him off except for Iron Man... who just wants to see him pop. It’s funny, there’s a really cool dynamic between Tony Stark and Banner. Banner actually enjoys it, and finds it really refreshing. They’re a lot alike in a strange way. They’re both these kind of scientists who are mavericks, kind of renegades. Banner, for all his mild-mannered mythology, he’s still the dude who was testing some pretty crazy s–t on himself, so he has that rebel streak in him.”

It is also stated that Banner wants to be a member of the team, but that rest of the group considers him a liability. As for keeping the Hulk in check, the duty seems to fall to Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye, who will also share a backstory with Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow.

“[Hawkeye is] the only one who can really take down The Hulk with his tranq tip arrows," says Renner, adding "...The only sort of thing I cling to is the relationship of past experiences with Scarlett’s character, with them both being human. ”

Ruffalo sobre Bruce Banner/Hulk:

"Ele é como a maioria dos caras, mas um canhão totalmente perdido, ninguém quer ele fora exceto o "Homem de Ferro"... quem apenas o quer para ve-lo estourar. É engraçado, há uma dinâmica muito legal entre Tony Stark e Banner que de fato está se divertindo e descobrindo realmente como é refrescante.

Banner quer realmente ser um membro da equipe, mas o resto do grupo considera que é uma grande responsabilidade para ele manter o Hulk trancado.

"Jeremy Renner", o ator que interpretará o "Gavião Arqueiro", diz:

"o único que realmente pode derrubar o Hulk com suas flechas."

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